Pre-K 2 Program:


Appletree’s Pre-K 2 Discoverers Program provides children ages 2 ½ - 3 ½ with a positive and creativity based learning environment. The Discoverers’ curriculum and courses of study reinforce cognitive, fine/gross motor skills, linguistic and physical aspects of development. Our Pre-K 2 Teacher, alongside their assistant, focus on helping our learners recite and recognize the upper and lower-case alphabet and numbers (verbally and in print), shapes and colors. Our teachers also provide age appropriate mathematics concepts, such as sorting, classifying, comparing, patterns, and counting.


Appletree also aims to:

  • Help students properly grip a marker or pencil

  • Understand left and right progression

  • Develop and/or enhance independency when using the bathroom

  • Using manners and patience when playing with toys and their classmates

  • Reading books and having students ask and answer basic questions about the story

  • Provide playtime activities that advance creative, social and physical development

Pre-K 2 Developmental Milestones

The list below, although not exhaustive, shows the key abilities and processes Appletree Preschool focuses on for our Pre-K 2 class!

Cognitive Development

  • Understanding simple stories

  • Responding to simple directions

  • Naming objects in a book

  • Grouping objects by category (e.g animals, clothing, food)

  • Put together simple puzzles

  • Telling others what he/she is doing

  • Learning to count “1-2-3”

  • Knowing own gender

  • Beginning to identify colors

  • Taking an interest in potty trained/are potty trained

Physical Development: Large/Gross Motor Skills

  • Walking, running and learning to jump on both feet

  • Pulling or carrying toys with both hands

  • Standing on tip toes

  • Climbing on furniture or playground equipment

  • Walking up the stairs holding a handrail—may alternate feet

Physical Development: Small/Fine Motor Skills

  • Pulling pants up and down

  • Turning on faucet to wash hands

  • Building a block tower of at least four blocks

  • Practicing closing snaps and zipping up zippers

  • Holding utensils or crayons with fingers instead of a fist

  • Ability to brush their own teeth

Communication and Language Development

  • Understanding the words of familiar people, everyday objects and body parts

  • Repeating words he/she hears

  • Beginning to ask question phrases like, “why?” and “what’s that?”

  • Beginning to use pronouns (me, you)

  • Beginning to use plurals (e.g dogs)

  • Can be understood 75% of the time by strangers

  • Developing ability to follow 2-step directions without distraction

Creative Development

  • Playing pretend with dolls or stuffed animals

  • Using language for creating and sustaining plots during play

  • Beginning to take on characteristics and actions of role play