Toddler Program:


Appletree’s Toddler Adventurers Program—designed for children 18 months old-30 months old—encourages a transition from the infant’s at ease schedule to a more developed routine. The Adventurers’ course of study motivates our young learners to focus on more cognitive, emotional/social and linguistic aspects of development. Our Appletree staff members are trained to stimulate our toddlers’ development by reciting the alphabet and numbers, both in conversation and alongside music. In addition to this, staff members also provide toys and playtime center activities, balls, and finger painting to meet physical and creative milestones of development.

Appletree also aims to:

  • Use lots of language and encourage toddlers to use language to communicate needs and ideas
  • Provide opportunities for toddlers to use their senses (e.g sensory tables)
  • Develop independence within the child whenever possible
  • Begin stages of potty training when interested and ready
  • Teaching children to use manners and patience
  • Provide opportunities for toddlers to run around and stimulate physical developments

Toddler Developmental Milestones

The list below, although not exhaustive, shows the key abilities and processes
Appletree Preschool focuses on for our Toddler class!

Cognitive Development

  • Starting to follow simple directions such as, “blow me a kiss” or “sit down”
  • Very simple pretend play (e.g feeding a stuffed animal)
  • Pointing to head, eyes, ears, nose and mouth
  • Making connection between a word you say and a picture in a book
  • Showing reactions to familiar songs and/or stories
  • Beginning to test cause and effect (e.g throwing a cup and seeing what happens or if he/she gets in trouble)
  • Ability to find hidden objects
  • Showing interest in potty training/beginning to potty train

Physical Development: Large/Gross Motor Skills

  • Ability to walk independently
  • Demonstrating balance and body coordination in movements
  • Pulling or carrying toys while walking
  • Climbing on furniture/playground equipment
  • Ability to pull off clothing
  • Ability to help put things away
  • Ability to walk backwards (or at least try)

Physical Development: Small/Fine Motor Skills

  • Drinking from a sippy cup
  • Using a spoon—clumsily—to eat
  • Picking up objects (e.g Cheerios, raisins) with thumb and one finger (known as “pincher grasp”)
  • Pointing, poking and/or pinching
  • Putting things into a bucket/container and taking them out again
  • Scribbling with a thick marker or crayon
  • Ability to turn pages in a book

Communication and Language Development

  • Babbling in a way that sounds like they’re trying to “talk” with you
  • Recognizing family members names and familiar objects when said (e.g mom, ball, cup)
  • Express happiness, sadness and frustration with sounds/words
  • Understanding basic commands like “stop”
  • Pointing at things he/she wants
  • Saying “no”/shaking head when he/she doesn’t want something

Creative Development

  • Showing interest in participating in music activities through gestures, movement or dancing
  • Enjoying repetition of favorite songs/musical experiences
  • Using instruments to produce rhythm and musical sounds
  • Participating in group musical/singing activity for a short period of time
  • Showing preference for certain colors and/or pictures